Friday, January 31, 2014

Emergency Room Visit

 Warning: if blood makes you squeamish you may want to skip this post!

On the way to the hospital last night, Phil and I remarked that in nine years of parenting we felt pretty blessed that this was our first trek for stitches.

Right as we were getting ready to start our small group study I heard Wesley screaming.  It sounded like his pain wail so I felt it best to investigate.  As I reached the stair well I heard one of the girls say quick go get mom.  I raced up knowing that if they felt it appropriate to interrupt our group that it must be bad.

I entered the girls room to Wesley screaming with a washcloth pressed up on his head and blood streaming down his face.  I lifted the rag and saw a deep gash and knew this was going to require more than a snuggle and bandaid.  I swooped him up and hustled down the stairs.  As I entered the family room I said Phil I think this is going to need stitches.  The buzz of activity stopped and Phil confirmed that yes it did.  Our friends quickly gathered up their belongings as we deliberated prompt care vs emergency room.  Given the lateness of the hour it had to be a trip to the hospital.  Our friends were so sweet and helped the girls get ready and took them back to their house.  I quickly changed Miles and packed a diaper bag while Phil got Wesley calmed down and out to the van.

Once they had a chance to take his vitals and get him settled in they took a look at the gash.  'I think we can glue it' was the doctor's opinion.  Tripping and falling into the leg of the loft bed left a clean edged gash.  The doctor and nurse were so amazed at how calm Wesley was.  I told them to be thankful that it was past his bedtime and that sleepiness was playing a large role in his good patient demeanor.  Usually Wesley will scream at the sight of blood, and will continue to scream until it has stopped.

They got all the blood cleaned off his face and numbed up the wound.  The doctor came back and glued it shut.  Lo and behold it stuck!  Yes, bad joke, but you gotta make light of a not so fun situation.  After chilling for a bit longer to make sure it dried we were on our way.  Picked up the kids from our friends and went home to go to bed.  Wesley was very excited about the stickers and rubber duck the nurse gave him and chatted about it the whole way home.  Then the girls asked about their own previous emergency room visits.

One dose of pain medication and a good night sleep and you'd never know the experience Wesley had.  Well, other than the glued gash on his head!

waiting room

poor baby!

being a good patient

slightly terrified of the whole process

resting while waiting for numbing agent to do its magic

numbed up and ready to be glued

passed out waiting for the glue to dry

today he's good as new!

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