Monday, December 31, 2012

Baby Poll

When I saw the last time I posted on here, I was kinda surprised that it's been so long!  I guess when I became an ostrich and hunkered down I didn't realize how quickly time has been passing me by.  I know that shortly our world will be thrown into the mind numbing-sleep deprivation-beautifulness of adding a new baby to the family.

Which is why I've been quiet.  Trying to soak up these last moments of just three kids.  Trying to spend as much time together with them before I am wrapped up in everything baby.  I've whittled my social calendar to practically nothing, and have chosen to stay in more often than not.  I have absolutely relished in our peaceful quiet family nights.  I love that six nights of the week we are all together.  Some nights playing together, others listening to sibling bonds being forged.

My kitchen has been in use as well.  Nothing new or exciting, other than the challenge of making a months worth of meals by skimming off the top of the last two months budget.  I managed to fill up our deep freeze with only a $25 extension of my regular budget, a proud moment for me!  Being a bit prideful, I've showed off our treasure hold, and I love hearing Wesley say 'I wunna see the mussins for when baby comes!'.

Today we took a family poll on all things baby.  It was quite amusing to hear each child deliberate over their answers.  And I must confess that 95% of the time, no matter how he is asked, Wesley says we are having a 'gee-url' or 'zizzy'.  We are waiting to see if he is a baby guessing progeny like his Grandma Rose.

Here are our current kiddos stats, feel free to join in on the guessing fun right along with us!

Abi 12/5, 6:31pm, 8lbs 14oz 19.5 in, blue eyes, didn't sleep through the night until almost 2, colicky
Lizzi 10/7, 2:42am, 9lbs 5oz, 20in, blue eyes, didn't sleep through the night until almost 2, no colic
Wesley 6/3, 12:34pm, 10lbs 8oz, 22.5in, brown eyes, didn't sleep through the night until almost 2, no colic

Disclaimer: I have none of the usual 'feelings' on what this baby is, so my guess is just as much as a guess as anyones!  Oh, and our due date is 1/28/2013

Abi guesses this will be a girl born on an odd night.  Weighing less than 9.5lbs and shorter than 20inches before the 20th of January.  Blue eyes, not a sleeper and colicky like her.

Lizzi guesses this will be a girl born on an odd morning.  Weighing more than 9.5lbs and shorter than 20inches before the 20th of January.  Blue eyes who's a sleeper and not colicky.

Wesley guesses this will be a girl born on an odd morning.  Weighing less than 9.5 lbs and longer than 20 inches after the 20th of January.  Brown eyes, not a sleeper and colicky.

Phil guesses this will be a boy born on an even night.  Weighing more than 9.5lbs and longer than 20 inches after the 20th of January.  Blue eyed sleeper with no colic.

Alicia guesses this will be a girl born on an even night.  Weighing less than 9.5lbs and shorter than 20 inches before the 20th of January.  Brown eyed sleeper with no colic.