Are you asking me about the stage of I can't let mama out of my sight-not-even-in-my-home stage?
The crawling trying to toddle stage?
The I am sooooo busy with my toys (while you sit next to me on the floor so I can play) that I cannot nap...ever stage.
And yet I cannot sleep at night because I'm practicing my mad crawling skills even while attempting to be unconscious stage?
How about the multiple bruises and contusions because I'm a hazard to myself stage?
Or the I want to nurse at night and you must keep a part of your breast in my mouth to keep me semi-asleep stage?
Teeth, any takers on the teeth?
Ummmm, no. I really don't like this stage of babydom. The babe is a danger to himself. I can vaccuum and yet within a half hour I am fishing something out his mouth, and where he found it is beyond me! Or he needs to be picked up and held but seconds later is lunging out of my arms for something *amazing* on the floor. Cannot tell you the amount of times I've barely held on, and he's kinda small!
But still, there are wonderful moments where we get past the crankiness and daily grind of developing a smallish one and have beauty. And giggles. And chasing the bigish ones down the hall. And feeding the dog from the highchair. And laughing while 'petting' the dog. And bringing joy.
I'm fairly certain that Wesley's purpose in life is to bring joy. I have not met a happier babe. And he can make anyone smile. Tonight he kept crawling over to a very shy little girl, pulling up on her chair, and grinning, grinning, grinning. I leaned over and whispered to her, I think he likes you. She giggled, and away he crawled.
I love watching my kids play. The girls had made a house out of a box and they were all playing in it together. Peek-a-boo through the windows, peels of laughter. And my heart smiled.
He's becoming more of the brother, and less of the baby. He gets in on more of the playtime action with the sisters. Lizzi wants him to sleep with her. I would like this too, but oh man, 'this' stage...
'This' stage is gonna break me and build me all at the same time. But so long as he flashes me more of his award winning smile I know I'll make it through.