Saturday, February 26, 2011

Turtle Time

I love turtles.  I've loved them since I was a kid.  I remember when we went on a nature walk to the pond for 3rd grade science, and I spotted a turtle.  I kept watching in hopes that s/he'd surface again.
And the giant sea turtles have my heart.  I viewed a documentary in high school about those gentle creatures and was deeply saddened by how fragile of an existence they have.

When fabric shopping with my sis Susan two summers ago, I spotted the most adorable quilt kit.  Yep, you guessed it, turtles.  Totally adorable!  Sadly, there were a few complications with out and out buying it.  A steep price tag for such a tiny blanket, and it would only work for a newborn.  Oh, yeah, and I wasn't pregnant yet either.

Fast forward a few months, I'm pregnant, and am totally wanting to do something turtleish for the coming baby.  I still wasn't ok with such a small blanket for the baby, so instead I designed a diaper bag.  Never got around to making it, which was perfectly ok since Aunt Laurie quilted an adorable bag for us.

A few weeks ago, I went to Joanne's in search of some fabric to make myself a swinging spring skirt.  After finding it (woohoo!), I asked if they had any turtle fabric.  The first few the gal showed me were girly, and then shazam, the turtle fabric of my dreams.  I knew then and there that I would be making Wesley a quilt.

Today I went back knowing that there would be a good sale and found my swoon worthy turtles.  I also managed to finagle some coordinating fabrics that have some of the same patterns in the quilts I made for the girls a few years ago.  And I followed my heart on the fleece backing.  I knew if I went for the second choice I'd regret it.

 Without further adieu, the fabrics of Wesley's future quilt...

1 comment:

  1. Just got done making two baby blankets for friends who are expecting. The fabrics and colors are great for Wesley's quilt. Can't wait to see the finished product.
