Tuesday, January 24, 2012

repurposed pillowcase

Abi has (finally!) been going through a growth spurt.  Strangely, even though she's been in the same size probably since Wesley's been born, it has caught me off guard.  We have been so blessed by others who pass their clothes down to us, that usually I just go pull out the next size up from my storage closet.  Problem being, nothing in the next size fits her!  She is now a size seven in length with a size four waist.  All of the sevens in the closet are regulars.  There was one slim, but it fell right off of her.  She has to have a seven slim adjustable waist.  It is absolutely crazy.

The girl on repeated occasions has come out wearing Wesley's pants that he has thrown into her drawer complaining of them being a little tight.  Somehow she didn't notice that they only came to her knees, only that they seemed a bit tight and she couldn't quite get the button snapped.  Ah yes, I've had lots of good laughs over those escapades!

We are making do with the size six slims and wearing boots over them to conceal the creeping capri look. And thankfully the next size shirts look alright on her.   However, the kid needed pajamas.  The size sixes weren't long enough to keep her warm.

Enter this beautiful fella.  An overly warm fleece pillowcase that came with a bedding set that I love to bundle under in the winter.  The pillowcase however was just a bit over the top in warmth, so I've hung onto it over the years not wanting to throw it away.  I mean, come on, it's brand new!

So I held them up to her to check on length, a bit long-score!  The pillowcase pretty much wrapped all the way around her, so I knew that wouldn't be a problem.

Now I am glad that I had made pajama pants for my brothers and dad for Christmas, it was a breeze and I finished in a half hour.  I'm sure it will take me longer to get this post up the way I want then it did to make those pants.

Here's what I did:

  1. cut off the bottom seam
  2. cut up the middle of the pillowcase (too bad I didn't think to take any pictures while I did this eh?)
  3. cut a swoop for the crotch
  4. stitch up the side seams
  5. sew together crotch
  6. make waistband casing
  7. thread elastic
  8. close casing
  9. blog about it :)
Ok, if you're a visual person like me, I'm sure these set of directions are beyond unhelpful.  Here's the site that taught me how to make pj's (even if you know, check it out just to see the fabric the author used!):  http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Sew-Your-Own-Pajama-Pants/

Looks good right?

Now, even better.  She's gonna sleep warm tonight!


  1. It sounds like Abi might not like to wear belts, or they are hard to find that will fit her. She is a little older, then my kids but I found these things called Dapper Snappers. They are a little pricey, but who knows you might be able to make something like it. If you google it, you will find a picture. They snap on the back of the pants. My four-year-old is also very skinny, but tall and has a hard time getting a belt on and off. The Dapper Snapper works on the back of the pants and does a really good job and keeping pants up. Just thought I would share. I was so excited when I found them in the store. I bought one for Leah as well, who is also tall and skinny.

  2. oh fun! i keep looking at cute dresses to make from old beautiful pillowcases! cannot wait to hit up a garage sale this summer to find some lovely pillowcases that would dream of a new life as my daughter's clothes! thanks for the tutorial, I will definately have to try these for Joaquin who is our resident skinny Minny. love it! (this is amy by the way)

  3. Those jammie pants look great Alicia! I really like the plastic guard you have up on the stair rails too! Looks nice and safe! :D
