Monday, May 2, 2011

Security Object

Wesley is my first baby to have a security object.  It's not that I did or didn't try with the girls, they just didn't care.  But Wesley, he cares.  In fact he cares very deeply about his security object.  He eats with it, sleeps with it, nurses with it, even goes to church and the store with it.  I'm very thankful that it's not a blanket like Linus off of Peanuts.  Or a stuffed animal like some kids.  Nope, Wesley's security object is a lego.  Quite humorous to me actually.  He carries around one of the small 'megablock' legos all day long.  Thankfully, he's not picky on what color his block is, just so long as it's his lego.

Now if you know my husband, you might know that he's quite the lego fanatic himself.  In fact when we were setting up a baby registry when pregnant with Abi, he tried to put legos on the list.  Needless to say, Phil is thrilled that someone in the family is as obsessed with Legos as he is.  Oh, and it's his son that is in love with legos.

So we are running with it, I let him hold his little lego while eating his meals.  One day he held it upside down and placed all his peas in it, an accomplishment for only being ten months old!  Yesterday, we let him take his lego to church to help ease the separation anxiety.  Aaaaand to Menards while we did some long shopping to keep him happy.

I like that his security object is small enough to fit anywhere (even in the toilet as I discovered the other day, thankfully before using it!) and is easily washable.  I have enjoyed seeing him bang his lego on different surfaces to make different noises. I love watching the interaction between the children when they are building together.  It's amazing to watch him try and mimic his sisters putting blocks together.  And the outrage he screams at them when they take his lego to finish up their projects makes me chuckle.

And to feed the obsession between father and son, Phil ordered Wesley a plush stuffed lego man doll for his upcoming birthday.  And I will be trying my hand at making a lego cake for their party.

Boys and their toys, or legos at least!

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