Friday, August 7, 2015

Bacon by the numbers

After a very exhausting two days of slaughter and butchering, church camp, and family visiting, we finally got around to weighing our final products!  Without further Adieu, may I present to you Bacon by the numbers.

185 lb  Hanging Weight (after draining blood)
3.8 lb  back fat to be used for making sausage
22 lb  bacon
16.7 lb  ribs
63.10 lb  ground pork
4 lb  pork chops
109.9 lbs

these numbers don't include the organ meats, soup bones, or cooked scraps (a whole meals worth!) that we got off of the non soup bones

All websites we read through said to expect an at best yield of 49%, so I am quite blown away that we got 19 pounds more!  Phil says this is the benefit of doing our own butchering, and since he enjoys it so much, I won't mention again about having someone else do it for us.

Phil is already talking about having at least two if not three next year, but the idea leaves me weary.  However, I'm sure it will be like gardening--after a huge harvest I want nothing to do with gardening until the dead of winter.  I have a feeling that next years catch phrase from my mouth will be 'hog panels' as we discuss our homestead plans!

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