I have been stalling on posting anything here almost as long as I have been dragging my feet on making my own laundry soap. For as much as I do homemade it was surprising to people to find out that I don't make my own soap. When asked why I didn't have a good reason. Just being a rebel I suppose.
Earlier this fall, I was taking a shortcut through the Hyvee cleaning isle when I saw Fels Naptha, Borax, and Washing Soda, side by side, and all on sale. Even though I was still channeling my inner rebel, I quickly snatched up a box of each and two bars of soap. Sadly it was long enough ago, that I don't have a receipt to tell you how much it costed me. But I cannot imagine that it would have costed over $10, because I wouldn't have bought it.
My friend Cheryl had asked me after I bought the supplies if I made my own soap. She had seen a show (maybe the Duggars?) where they made enough laundry soap for six months and was very inspired to do it together with her family. She was hoping that I would have a recipe for her. I didn't, but it was that phone call where I decided that I needed to get over myself and make some soap. If nothing else, for Cheryl!
So Cheryl, thank you and here you go. I made laundry soap yesterday with Lizzi. It took longer to bring up the 'ingredients' from the laundry room than it did to make it!
courtesy of http://www.diynatural.com/simple-easy-fast-effective-jabs-homemade-laundry-detergent/
2 bars Fels Naptha soap
2 cups borax
2 cups washing soda
Grate soap, add borax and washing soda, place in container ( I used an old sherbet container).
I grated my soap in my food processor and then switched blades to the chopping one, added the borax and washing soda and wizzed it for a minute. It will take a bit longer if you have to grate it by hand.
So there you have it, a simple quick easy laundry soap recipe. Oh, and Cheryl, the Fels Naptha has a very strong fragrance, so you might want to try the ivory like the website mentions. I don't know if it will have any difference on the cleaning power or not. So try it and let me know!
PS--in case you are wondering like I was, you won't use the whole box of borax and washing soda. I would guess that there are probably 10 cups left, so it was a good buy!
awesome.im still slightly scared of borax plust wantd to cut the cost a little more, i know, im cheap but we use and have used FOR A LONG TIME one bar of grated soap (i like kirk's castile and thats a buck at the local grocery store) and put just enough water t 0 cover in a saucepan. melt. then put it n a bucket and add a gallon of boiling water and a half cup of baking soda. then stir or add to old detergent bottle and shake! love it! i use vinegar n the downy ball as a softner. we LOVE it!