Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Why I choose Veg

The other night Phil asked me if I could sum up my vegetarian stance in one sentence.  I thought for a few minutes and realized that I could not.  My vegetarianism is multifaceted, so I can't sum it up in one sentence.  However, I can rattle off many reasons that all play into why I eat what I do.

       My Health
I feel better mentally and physically when I do not eat animals.  Phil asked me how do I know.  I retorted back 'have you ever been constipated?'.  I had it chronically in high school, and that was the first benefit I noticed once I changed my eating habits.  If that was the only thing I ever experienced, that would be enough right there!  I have less blemishes, reduced pms, more energy, and feel 'lighter' and less slodgy in general.  Also, so long as I stay away from dairy, I have pain free hands.  These are just the day to day benefits.  Who knows what my diet is doing for me in the long run!

      The Earth
I am a big 'green' person.  Factory farming takes a huge toll on the earth.  Forests are wiped out to create more grazing land.  Deep sea fishing is destroying the ocean.  The vast amount of water and grains that are used to create one pound of animal flesh is so mind boggling.  It saddens me to know how much people's 'need' for meat is harming the earth.

     People of the World
This kind of goes right along with the earth topic.  I truly believe that if everyone gave up meat that there would be enough food for all the people of the world.  If grains went to feed the children of africa instead of our cows, there would be enough.

     The Animals
Perhaps it is strange that the animals that used to be on my plate are the least pressing reason to my rationale.  Yes, I find it distressing that a factory farmed chicken doesn't have enough room in her cage to stand up or spread her wings.  Or that she is starved to induce molting in order to bring her egg production back up (which eggs being part of a chicken's menstrual cycle kinda grosses me out).  Or that baby cows are taken from their mamas so that way people can drink their milk.  Yes, the plight of animals bothers me, but I am so far removed from 'the food chain' that these aren't realities to me, just things that I have read about.  I don't see commercials about how bad the animals have it, but I do see images of children starving around the globe because they do not have access to food.

Questions that people have asked me in the past:
Did you like meat?
Not really, if you don't believe me, ask my parents.

Do I miss meat?
I do sometimes miss sausage and chicken.  In the case of sausage, I know it's the sage.  I looooove sage, a hearty bean dish smothered in sage and black pepper does it for me!  Now the chicken on the other hand I have no idea, and it seems to correlate most with when I am pregnant.

How do I get my protein?
Beans, nuts, and more beans.  Oh yeah, and have you looked at how much protein there is in whole grains?  No protein shortage here!

What about calcium?
Calcium is a mineral that plants soak up from the soil as they grow.  Also, most processed foods (bread, cereal, oj) have been fortified with calcium.

Got more questions?  Ask away and I will answer them :)

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