But time went on, and we moved into a rental house and we had our on washer and dryer. And then Abi had the same problem that I did as a baby, she turned allergic to disposable. The doctor told us that we could either keep trying different brands or switch to cloth. That was a no brainer for us. I had found some cute girl cloth dipes that had bugs or hearts on them. Then we used them until she potty trained. And then Lizzi wore them, and wore them and wore them. Until she fiiiiinally potty trained.
Once again we expanded our family, and I decided that after three children (bought the first ones gently used off of ebay), that it was time to buy new dipes. So I hunted and searched, until I found just what I wanted. Bought 30 of them and haven't looked back since. I love that my diapers are all in one, with snaps (velcro is waaay too easy for a toddler to undo and get nakie on their terms!), colorful, and cheap. My friends think that I need more for my 'stash' and that I should try 'other brands' to see what I'm missing. I say, why mess with a good thing!?
While at mom and dad's last month, I needed to wash the diapers. One of the many things that mom and I have in common is we enjoy hanging laundry out to dry. And while those dipes were sunning their stains away and entertaining my Phil, he snapped some photos that I would like to share.
And being the fun loving nut-head that I am, I am making sure that Wesley's shirts match his diapers each day :)